Smash 6.0 Patch Notes. Smash ultimate 6.0 patch notes | patch highlights. Here's everything included in smash ultimate version 6.0.
Koopatv Super Smash Bros Ultimate Version 7 0 0 February Fighter Usage Stats from Ultimate is up to date, simply load up the game. Ultimate update 6.0.0 now available (with patch notes). We have the full patch notes for you below.
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As long as your console is connected to the internet, the new download should begin immediately. Today's update includes new battle arena mode features, fighter adjustments, and more. The version 6.0.0 update is now available to download for smash ultimate alongside the new fighter terry bogard, and nintendo has already released the full list of patch notes including some nice buffs for characters in need. Ultimate, that now sees the mascot brawler on update version 6.0.0.